Thursday, December 1, 2011

Quick Translations of Gerald Stern (on occasion of his visit to Smith next week)

The Snow on the River

Snow on the river is my guess though any
change in temperature would do and sometimes
filth alone and as for the cracking, that comes
now in March and sometimes even earlier,
one cloud bumping into another as
we used to say, two sticks curling, then exploding,
some seamy actor from the ‘50s mixing
one smoke with another, his gum popping.

(from Everything is Burning, 2005)

A Neve no Rio

Neve no rio é meu palpite embora qualquer
mudança na temperatura iria servir e às vezes
só sujeira e quanto à estalada, isso vem
agora em março e às vezes até antes,
uma nuvem se esbarrando numa outra como
a gente dizia, duas varas se curvando, e explodindo,
algum ator brega dos anos 50 misturando
uma fumaça com outra, seu chiclete estralando.

From Where I Sit

From where I sit, given the time of year,
the light comes only between the trees, but there is
water, and at four in the evening, given our
latitude and the direction we face, the sun
lights up what seems, from where I sit, more like
a pool and I am changed for a minute, though it
is a river, you can depend on that, I crossed
from time to time and lived on for a while
and was assured that way the hundreds of nights
I walked my mile and ended up at the hot
waterfall and the gears of the nineteenth century
above the high brick wall I rested under.

(from Save the Last Dance, 2008)

De Onde Estou Sentado

De onde estou sentado, nesta época do ano,
a luz vem só entre as árvores, mas tem
água, e às quatro da tarde, na nossa
latitude e ao rumo que encaramos, o sol
ilumina o que parece, de onde estou sentado, mais com
uma piscina e estou transformado por um minuto, embora
seja um rio, isso pode acreditar, eu atravessava
de vez em quando e morava nele por um tempo
e eu era sossegado assim as centenas de noites
eu caminhava minha milha e terminava lá na
cachoeira quente e nas engrenagems do século dezenove
em cima da alta parede de tijolo sob a qual eu descansava.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


a sign the writing is slipping into some new realm of abstraction:  had to confirm that "thingish" is in fact a word ......

Monday, July 25, 2011

When in Rio 3

"A Falta que Nos Move" (The Absence that Moves Us) -- film by Christiane Jatahy. Dogma-like, formalist exercise, drawing film closer to its theatrical roots. High-brow reality t.v. brought to the screen? Reflection on the narcissist vacuum facing post-utopian artistic/intellectual life?  Worth (re)viewing.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Wisnik diz que Pessoa diz

que para se ler poesia é preciso acionar a simpatia (a vibração com o que se lê), a intuição (a abertura para o entendimento do que parece não ter sentido), a inteligência (o senso de integração das partes), a compreensão (a entrega de tudo o que você já viveu e leu) e a graça , senão os símbolos estão mortos para você, e você, morto para os símbolos.

When in Rio 2

Paisagem em falso (False Landscape), by Sofia Borges, in the Galeria Arthur Fidalgo in Copacabana. Large digital print images taken of diorama landscapes in the Museum of Natural History in NYC.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

When in Rio 1

Arthur Bispo do Rosario -- "O Artista do Fio" -- at the Caixa Cultural. Mesmerizing display of mundane objects, fabricated by the artist and wrapped, mummy-like, in gray thread collected from the uniform clothing worn by fellow mental hospital residents. The work is both meditative and distressing, each object a result of a painstaking patience and labeled in a contrasting thread as a sort of guard against oblivion or perhaps a desire for a sort of ground-zero of language, with the word stuck to the object, the signifier and signified once again inseparable.....

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ecology without Nature

Fascinating talk by Timothy Morton on fallacies of Nature as an organizing concept and on what in fact makes one being different from the next, or not ....

"The Ecological Thought and Object Oriented Ontology"

Xochi’s Tale

Is it my fault I’m part rat terrier, part

the kind of dog who lives in a lady’s lap?

I didn’t ask to be bottom mutt in the pack

that runs untamed through the twisted trash-strewn streets

in Xochiapulcho, I didn’t ask to be plucked

up by a pair of gringos. First they took

away my manhood. No more sweet reek

of bitches, no hot pursuits, no garbage rot.

When they packed up to go back to the USA

I thought they’d cry, then dump me out, but no.

Macho mestizo, my entry papers say.

Who dines in style and sleeps the sleep of kings

ought dream no more of his rowdy half-starved days ….

I dwell in heaven but without the wings.

-- Maxine Kumin