Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ecology without Nature

Fascinating talk by Timothy Morton on fallacies of Nature as an organizing concept and on what in fact makes one being different from the next, or not ....

"The Ecological Thought and Object Oriented Ontology"

Xochi’s Tale

Is it my fault I’m part rat terrier, part

the kind of dog who lives in a lady’s lap?

I didn’t ask to be bottom mutt in the pack

that runs untamed through the twisted trash-strewn streets

in Xochiapulcho, I didn’t ask to be plucked

up by a pair of gringos. First they took

away my manhood. No more sweet reek

of bitches, no hot pursuits, no garbage rot.

When they packed up to go back to the USA

I thought they’d cry, then dump me out, but no.

Macho mestizo, my entry papers say.

Who dines in style and sleeps the sleep of kings

ought dream no more of his rowdy half-starved days ….

I dwell in heaven but without the wings.

-- Maxine Kumin